The California Central Coast wine region has a hashtag day coming up! If you use Twitter in order to converse with other wine lovers - or #winelovers - you have no doubt seen entries utilizing the hashtag - # - to raise the profile of a specific grape variety on its special day. Now get ready for #CCWineDay.
That's the hashtag designation to use on March 15, 2012 as you tweet up your favorite Central Coast wine. Presumably, you may also toot the horn of your favorite Central Coast winery, vineyard, wine bar or wine store. Whatever helps make the Central Coast wine region worthy of recognition is fair game. It's a huge appellation, stretching from Southern California to Monterey Bay, so there should be no shortage of worthy hashtag recipients.
The whole day is expected to feature plenty of Twitter activity in the #CCWineDay hashtag, but the biggest concentration is expected between 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. on March 15th.
See the EventBrite page for a partial listing of those participating, and if you'd like more information on getting involved, email Hahn Family Wines has been kind enough to provide some samples to Now And Zin which I will be tasting and tweeting about on Central Coast Wine Day.
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